
Centrifugal Ultrafiltration Devices | Vivaspin® Units

With their wide range of capacities, Sartorius centrifugal ultrafiltration devices offer the optimal solution for any concentration application or buffer exchange. Our innovative technology allows direct recovery of the concentrate sample and prevents the sample from drying out. An easy-to-read printed scale simplifies the calculation of concentration results. Centrifugal units are a safe and easy accessory for sample concentration.

New Vivaspin® Turbo 15 RC centrifugal concentrator

The new Vivaspin® Turbo 15 RC centrifugal concentrators provide users with access to RC and PES membrane options. The combination of the new RC membrane with the superior Vivaspin® Turbo design ensures the greatest recovery in the fastest possible time.

  • unique membrane supply
  • fastest concentration rates
  • largest membrane area 8.1 cm2


Centrifugal devices for your ultrafiltration needs

Vivaspin® Turbo 15 PES

Ultrafiltration units with a capacity of 4 – 15 ml with double vertical PES membranes and elegant internal design for the fastest sample concentration with the highest recovery. UV technology allows for a smooth transition between the membrane and the plastic housing, allowing the collection of a complete concentrated sample into a single container adapted to the pipette.

Vivaspin® 500

Sartorius Vivaspin® 500 ultrafiltration centrifugal micro concentrators for samples from 100 µl to 500 µl. They are used for the concentration of biological samples, and the recovery of concentrates > 90% is achieved in less than 30 minutes.

Vivaspin® 2

Sartorius Vivaspin® 2 ultrafiltration centrifugal concentrators for samples from 0.4 ml to 2 ml. They are available in a version with PES and Hydrosart® membranes and cellulose triacetate membranes, thus offering the greatest flexibility for process optimization. Vivaspin® 2 combines the speed of classic Vivaspin® products with a low inner surface and membrane surface area to achieve superior recovery from very dilute solutions.

Vivaspin® Turbo 4

Centrifugal ultrafiltration concentrators for samples from 2 to 15 ml. It is designed with double vertical membranes for the fastest sample concentration with the highest recovery. UV technology allows for a smooth transition between the membrane and the plastic housing, allowing the collection of a complete concentrated sample into a single container adapted to the pipette.

Vivaspin® 6

Sartorius Vivaspin® ultrafiltration concentrators for volumes from 2 ml to 6 ml. The units are suitable for the concentration of antibody, protein, nanoparticle and virus samples. Top PES membranes in a double vertical design ensure fast sample concentration and high recovery.

Vivaspin® 15R

Sartorius Vivaspin® 15R ultrafiltration concentrators with Hydrosart® membrane for samples from 4 to 15 ml. Regenerated cellulose membranes are ideal for high recovery rates and very low adsorption.

Vivaspin® 20

Sartorius Vivaspin® 20 ml centrifugal concentrators for ultrafiltration from 5 ml to 20 ml. Vivaspin® 20 has double vertical membranes for unparalleled filtration rate and higher concentration. For greater process flexibility, Vivaspin® 20 is available with unique additives and working methods.

Centrisart® I

Ready-to-use units – for small volumes (≤ 2.5 ml), intended to separate proteins from low molecular weight substances. Centrisart® I units are ready for use in small volume centrifugal ultrafiltration, for the separation of proteins from low molecular weight substances in biological samples.

Vivacon® 500

Vivacon® 50 centrifugal concentrators for ultrafiltration of samples from 0.5 to 2 ml. They are used for rapid DNA concentration and buffer exchange of up to 500 µl of samples. The use of Hydrosart® membranes results in a large recovery of diluted samples.



Application Note: Concentration of Mammalian Cell Culture Supernatants with Vivaspin® Turbo 15 PES and Amicon® Ultra-15 Devices

Application Note: Concentration of a Low Molecular Weight Peptide – Concentration of an 8 kDa Peptide Fragment with Vivaspin 6 Ultrafiltration Devices

Application Note: Concentration of Low Molecular Weight Peptides – Concentration of Peptides with Vivaspin 500 Ultrafiltration Devices Alan R.

Catalog: Lab Ultrafiltration and Purification Products

Datasheet: Vivaspin® Turbo 4 and 15 PES and RC

Flyer: Improve Your Protein Recoveries

Poster: Laboratory Ultrafiltration – The Most Complete Product Range

Poster: Laboratory Ultrafiltration – How to Choose the Optimal Device & Method

Poster: Laboratory Ultrafiltration – Product Qualification Guide

Product Guide: Vivaspin® Turbo 15 RC