
Aerodynamic Particle Sizer APS 3321

Measure aerodynamic particle size from 0.5 to 20 micrometers with the only sizer of its kind on the market. While cascade impactors also size particles by their aerodynamic diameter, the Aerodynamic Particle Sizer® (APS™) spectrometer offers high size resolution, one-second sampling, and real-time size distributions. Time-of-flight aerodynamic sizing determines the particle’s behavior while airborne, and is unaffected by index of refraction or Mie scattering.

Product Details

The Aerodynamic Particle Sizer® (APS™) 3321 spectrometer provides high-resolution, real-time aerodynamic measurements of particles from 0.5 to 20 microns. These unique particle sizers also measures light-scattering intensity in the equivalent optical size range of 0.37 to 20 microns. By providing paired data for each particle, the APS spectrometer opens up exciting new possibilities for those interested in studying the makeup of an aerosol.

The APS spectrometer uses a patented, double-crest optical system for unmatched sizing accuracy. It also includes a redesigned nozzle configuration and improved signal processing. The result is greater small-particle sizing efficiency, improved accuracy of mass-weighted distributions, and virtual elimination of false background counts.


  • Inhalation toxicology
  • Drug delivery studies
  • Atmospheric studies
  • Ambient air monitoring
  • Indoor air-quality testing
  • Filter and air-cleaner testing
  • Test-aerosol characterization
  • Powder sizing

Included Items

  • Aerosol Instrument Manager® software

Features and benefits

  • Double-crest optics produce high-quality measurements
  • Measures light-scattering intensity from 0.37 to 20 µm
  • Measures aerodynamic particle size from 0.5 to 20 µm


Application Notes

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) Spectrometer Model 3321 Pharmaceutical Applications (APS-003) US

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) Spectrometer Model 3321 Pharmaceutical Applications (APS-003) US

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer Model 3321 Accelerated Inhaler Testing (APS-004) US

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer Model 3321 Accelerated Inhaler Testing (APS-004) US

Printer Emission Measurements at TSI (PER-001) US

Running TSI’s Aerosol Instrument Manager Software on a Macintosh Computer (PR-003) US


3321 APS Spectrometer Bibliography US

Pharmaceutical Inhaler Testing Bibliography US


Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Model 3321 Theory of Operation Brochure US


Particle Instruments Catalog US

Spec Sheets

Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Model 3321 Spec Sheet US