
Arium® Smart Station dispensing system for pure water

The Arium® Smart Station unit is used for flexible dosing of pure laboratory water. The laboratory dispenser is directly connected to the ‘bagtank’ tanks for clean water. During dosing, the Smart Station provides the user with constant control of important quality parameters. The ergonomic design supports left- and right-handed operation and can be easily adapted to your needs. With its compact design, this unit fits into any laboratory environment.

The Sartorius Arium® Smart Station unit is an advanced remote water dispensing device. It is designed for flexible dispensing of clean water from the Arium® Bagtank directly at the point of use. While dispensing water to a wide range of tanks, the Arium® Smart Station enables continuous control over all important quality parameters. The system can be installed as a wall or bechtop unit.

Compact design for your needs

With growing demands and new, exciting products, space is at a premium in many laboratories. In order to utilize the capacity of your lab space, you should not adapt your water system to the lab – the system should adapt to your needs. Arium® Smart Station is an elegant solution for maximizing laboratory space.

Ergonomic handling and design

The Arium® Smart Station flexible pure laboratory water dispenser is optimized for your use, whether you are left-handed or right-handed.

Flexible water dosing

With the Arium® Smart Station, you will have complete control over quality parameters at the point of use and the ability to fill containers of different sizes. You can dispense water in the exact quality and quantity needed for your experiments, whenever and wherever you need it.

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Available models

Arium® Smart Station pure laboratory water dispenser

Option Tubing length to connected device Brand
Benchtop 2 m Arium® Smart Station
Wall-mounted 2 m Arium® Smart Station







Brochure: Arium® Smart Station – The Most Flexible Solution for Dispensing Pure and Ultrapure Water

Datasheet: Arium® Smart Station – Flexible Remote Dispenser