
Automated Filter Tester 3160

Automated Filter Tester Model 3160 determines the pressure drop and fractional efficiency at different particle sizes (15 to 800 nm) in order to obtain the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) of HEPA and ULPA filters and filter media. It is designed to comply with the test requirements of EN 1822 parts 3 and 5. Filter tests are performed automatically following user-specific test parameters and up to 99.999999% (eight 9s) fractional filter efficiencies.

SKU: 3160 Category: Tags: ,

Product Details

The 3160 uses a bank of atomizers and the research grade TSI classifier to challenge a filter or filter media with known-size, monodisperse particles. Two new generation Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs) simultaneously count the upstream and downstream particles while the software calculates the penetration value.

Filters can be sequentially challenged with up to 20 different monodisperse particle sizes in the range from 15 to 800 nm. The penetration value for each particle size is obtained.

At the end of a test, the model 3160 generates a curve of penetration vs. particle size and produces a summary of test results, including the MPPS.


  • HEPA and ULPA filter and filter media testing (EN 1822 parts 3 and 5)
  • Fractional efficiency filter testing
  • Automated filter testing


Learn more about TSI filter testers, and why they are trusted by manufacturers across the globe



Features and Benefits

  • Determines fractional filter efficiencies and the MPPS
  • Complies with EN 1822 parts 3 and 5
  • Simple automated operation
  • Used to test both low- and high-efficiency filters and filter media
  • Highly consistent test results
  • Service and support


Application Notes

Aerosol Statistics Lognormal Distributions Application Note (PR-001) US

ASTM F2100 Measuring Filtration Medical Masks and Respirators App Note (AFT-007) US

Measuring Filtration of Barrier Face Coverings App Note (AFT-008) US


Automated Filter Tester Family Brochure (US)

QualityGuard Particle Instruments Service Agreements Brochure US


Particle Instruments Catalog US


Air Filtration Basics Poster A0

How You Test Matters Poster A0

Spec Sheets

Automated Filter Tester Model 3160 Spec Sheet US