
General Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) 3938

Choose your configuration of the global standard in aerosol size measurement. For more than 30 years, the TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS™) spectrometers have helped gain new insights in aerosol research and assisted with calibrating other instrumentation. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and many other reference laboratories worldwide use the TSI SMPS™ for submicrometer particle size distribution measurements. The TSI SMPS™ is the researcher’s choice for nanoparticle size distribution measurements.

Product Details

The Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS™) spectrometer is a nanoparticle sizer capable of measuring the size distribution of airborne submicron particles with accuracy and precision. It combines electrical mobility sizing with single-particle counting to deliver nanoparticle concentrations in discrete size channels. The size resolution capability of the SMPS™ is as high as 128 channels per decade, resulting in up to 384 channels in total.

The SMPS™ 3938 is component-based, allowing users to customize their SMPS to match their experimental needs. Users may choose among four Differential Mobilty Analyzers (DMAs), six Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs), and two different neutralization techniques, enabling measurement in the range from 1 nm up to 1 µm. When an SMPS is coupled with an Optical Particle Sizer (OPS) or Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS), the continuous measurement range can be extended up to 10 µm or 20 µm, respectively.


  • Atmospheric studies and environmental monitoring
  • Indoor air quality measurements
  • Nucleation/condensation studies
  • Combustion and engine exhaust studies
  • Inhalation toxicology studies
  • Nanotechnology research and materials synthesis

Features and Benefits

  • High resolution data: 128 channels/decade of resolution for up to 384 total possible channels
  • Broad size range: from 1 nm to 1,000 nm
  • ISO 15900:2009 compliant
  • Fast measurements: <15 second scans
  • Wide concentration range up 107 particles/cm3
  • Modular component design for maximum flexibility
  • Touch-screen control for stand-alone operation (no computer needed)
  • Easy setup with tool-free installation and auto-detection of components
  • Discrete particle measurement: works well for multi-mode samples
  • Particle size measurement is independent of optical properties of the particles and fluid
  • Wide range of system options: choice of water or butanol CPC; choice of traditional or nonradioactive neutralizer

Included Items

  • Electrostatic Classifier with your choice of DMA column
  • One of six CPCs
  • Aerosol Instrument Manager® software

Aerosol neutralizer and computer for data collection must be purchased separately.


Application Notes

Aerosol Neutralizer Radioactivity Measurements Model 3077A App Note (3077A-001) US

Aerosol Statistics Lognormal Distributions Application Note (PR-001) US

Emissions Monitoring Freeway Monitoring Performing Aerosol Science in Harm’s Way (EM-002) US

Fast Scanning using TSIs SMPS Spectrometer Model 3938 App Note (SMPS-006) US

Fundamentals of CPC and SMPS Spectrometers App Note (CPC-003) US

Measuring Nanoparticle Size Distributions in Real-Time: Key Factors for Accuracy (SMPS-003) US

Multi-Instrument Manager Software Application Note MIM-001 (US)

Nanotechnology Sampling and Conditioning Application Note (PR-002) US

Printer Emission Measurements at TSI (PER-001) US

Running TSI’s Aerosol Instrument Manager Software on a Macintosh Computer (PR-003) US

SMPS Spectrometer Diffusion Loss Correction Application Note (SMPS-001) US

SMPS Spectrometer Nanoparticle Aggregate Mobility Analysis SW Module (SMPS-002) US

Soft X-Ray Neutralizer Charge Distribution in Aerosol Instrument Manager SW v9 (SMPS-008) US

Urban Air Quality Monitoring Solutions from TSI Application Note ENV-002 (US)

Using the TSI Dilution Bridge with the SMPS Spectrometer Model 3938 App Note SMPS-013 (US)


Basic Research and Nucleation Studies Bibliography US

Combustion and Emissions Bibliography US

Filter Test Bibliography US

Indoor Air, Exposure Monitoring, and Inhalation Toxicology Bibliography US

Instrument Characterization Bibliography US

Nanotechnology Bibliography US

Outdoor Air Bibliography US

Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) Model 3938 Spectrometer Bibliography (2015) US

SMPS Design, Characterization, Sampling Techniques and History Bibliography US


Classifier Upgrades Brochure US

QualityGuard Particle Instruments Service Agreements Brochure US

UFP Monitoring Buyers Guide US

UFP Monitoring Solutions Brochure US


Particle Instruments Catalog US


NRC Supplementary Information Manual US


Calibration Explanation Poster US

Spec Sheets

1nm Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3938E57 Spec Sheet (US)

Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Model 3938 Spec Sheet US