
Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well plate

96-well microtitre plates that allow precise repeated imaging of the same field of view, enabling cell motility studies, as well as time-course image registration required for precise film formation.

The Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well plate is a specially designed 96-well microtiter plate that contains reference markers that allow precise image registration of the same field of view, even when plates are manually removed and replaced within an assay on the Incucyte® system. However, these markings are subtle enough not to interfere with images obtained at the cellular plane. The Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well plate is compatible with all Incucyte® Live Cell Analysis Systems.


Datasheet: Incucyte Nuclight Lentivirus Reagents – For Nuclear Labeling of Live Cells

Safety Datasheet: Incucyte® Nuclight Orange Lentivirus (EF-1α, Puro) Safety Data Sheet