
1nm Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) 3938E57

Take your measurements to the limit of detection: scan particles as small as 1 nm. Measure the size and number concentration of particles as small as 1 nm with high resolution and speed. This second generation of 1 nm particle sizing instrumentation builds on TSI’s 30+ years of Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS™) spectrometer expertise. An SMPS system that includes the Nano Enhancer 3757 and Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) 3086 enables you to monitor reaction kinetics and new particle formation of engineered and natural aerosol particles at those smallest, critical sizes.

Product Details

The 1nm Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS™) spectrometer system combines TSI’s historical strengths in particle classification and counting, with new technology that permits the measurement of particles as small as 1 nm. The optimized Differential Mobility Analyzer 3086 further reduces diffusional losses of those smallest of particles. Between the DMA and a standard Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), the Nano Enhancer 3757 uses diethylene glycol to pre-grow 1 nm particles to enable detection by the CPC. The new Nano Enhancer design tightens the integration between CPC and Nano Enhancer and makes the setup and system use much easier.

Combining these components allow researchers to move particle research into exciting new territory. Key applications are:

  • Atmospheric Research – Monitor new particle formation and kinetics, cloud condensation, and close the gap between mass spectrometer and conventional particle size distribution measurements. Ideal for studies on sub-3 nm particles in highly polluted cities, particle sources and health effects studies.
  • Material Science – Monitor and characterize sub-3 nm particles with reliable, near real-time feedback. This system is ideal for aerosol-based engineered nanoparticle synthesis, nanoparticle functionalization, nanoscale analytical chemistry, control of reaction kinetics and catalyst synthesis.

The 1nm SMPS™ spectrometer is not just another detector that observes nucleation bursts from 1 nm on; it is a full-blown particle spectrometer that shows which size distributions exist during these events, with an unmatched resolution.

The modularity of components makes it easy to customize the system to best fit your measurement needs: saving you time and money. If you already own one of the 3938-series SMPS™ systems configured with a 3750 CPC, you only need to add the 1nm DMA and the Nano Enhancer. Your Classifier and Advanced Neutralizer will remain the same, and you will get a free update to the latest version of Aerosol Instrument Manager® software.


  • Fundamental aerosol research
  • Study of particle nucleation and particle growth, from particle sources such as flame synthesis, laser ablation, spark generation and nucleation/condensation
  • Combustion and engine exhaust research, (organic fuels, sub-3 nm emissions, natural gas engines, plastic molding and soldering)
  • Filtration research
  • Inhalation or exposure chamber studies
  • Health effects studies

Features and Benefits

  • Fast, high resolution data on size and number concentration
    • Optimized for minimal diffusion losses
    • 217 channels between 1 and 50 nm
    • Ability to measure over three decades of size, from 1 nm to 1 µm, with the addition of the 3081A Long DMA
  • Modular component design for customization to best fit the measurement needs, e.g. stand-alone use of the 1nm CPC
  • Built-in diagnostics and auto detection of system components for reliable and reputable measurement data
  • Easy to setup and use with Aerosol Instrument Manager® Software
  • Discreet particle measurement: works well for multimodal samples

*The Features & Benefits assume an SMPS™ spectrometer consisting of: 3082 Classifier, 1nm-DMA, Nano Enhancer 3575, and Condensation Particle Counter 3750.


Application Notes

Diffusion Correction using TSI’s 1nm SMPS System Model 3938 App Note (SMPS-010) US

Nanometer Scale Particulate Defining Particle Diameter Model 3757 (3757-002) US

Theory of Operation Nano Enhancer Model 3777 App Note (3777-001) US

Urban Air Quality Monitoring Solutions from TSI Application Note ENV-002 (US)

Using the TSI Dilution Bridge with the SMPS Spectrometer Model 3938 App Note SMPS-013 (US)


Particle Instruments Catalog US


SMPS™ Educational Poster

Spec Sheets

1nm Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3938E57 Spec Sheet (US)