
MD8 Airscan® Air Sampler

MD8 Airscan® air samplers, in combination with gelatin filters, allow not only the collection of microorganisms in the air, but also the smallest particles, such as viruses.

With more than 50 years of experience in air monitoring, a new generation of air samplers has been developed to meet the complex demands of the pharmaceutical and food industries. Together with gelatin membrane filters (GMF), the MD8 family of air samplers emphasizes ease of use and quality results. A fundamental aspect of clean rooms and critical zones is the achievement of the lowest concentrations of particles in the air, so the measurement for this purpose must be accurate and reliable.


Modularity and precision of results

The MD8 Airscan® is a modular air sampling system, consisting of a control unit and a stainless steel sampling head. The units are connected to each other with a fast connection cable. This design allows multiple sampling heads to operate simultaneously with only one control unit. The hermetic design of the sampling head also allows linear sterilization of the inside of the sampling head with evaporated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). After sampling the air with MD8 Airscan®, the gelatin filter can be treated directly, by transferring to an agar plate or dissolving (approximately 6 ml) in any suitable liquid.

Device advantages

  • isokinetic air sampling
  • prevention of turbulence
  • minimized risk of secondary contamination
  • internal sterilization by evaporation of H2O2
  • on-site calibration
  • reliable, documented results
  • GMP certificate
  • modular design
  • RS232 connection to the printer
  • print process parameters
  • GMP appropriate documentation
  • quick connection between the sampling head and the control unit
  • easy handling and exchange
  • time saving and secure connection
  • adapting to individual process conditions





Application Note: Quantitative Detection of Bacteriophage Loads in the Ambient Air of Dairies

Application Note: Collecting Airborne Viruses and Phages

Application Note: Continuous Microbial Air Monitoring in Clean Room Environments

Application Note: Coronavirus Detection from Aerosols

Brochure: MD8 Airport – The Portable Air Sampler

Datasheet: MD8 Airscan ® – Active sampling of airborne viruses, bacteria, yeasts and fungi